Specific guidelines for ruminants (beef, sheep & goat)
Specific guidelines for poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, and other game birds)
At Good Eggs, we select whole egg products with a preference to local and California raised animals. We also look to support increased animal welfare through our standards by selecting items with the following certifications, or supported claims: Cage Free, Pasture Raised, Free Range, Certified Human, Organic, Regenerative, Biodynamic, etc.)
The suppliers we work with directly must be fully transparent and be able to present documentation as requested. Any and all claims, will require proof of certifications, or equivalent documentation. Where applicable, we may require a site visit to substantiate any claims made for your products.
All animals must:
- All meat products within the scope of the standard must be certified organic or verified as non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project or another approved certification.
- Not treated with hormones.
- Not treated with subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics. If an animal is treated with a therapeutic dose of antibiotics, it cannot be subsequently used for production.
- All vegetarian diet
Specific guidelines for ruminants (beef, sheep & goat)
- Ruminants must be raised on pasture, and not finished on a feedlot.
- Ruminants must not be raised or finished on a CAFO/AFO as defined by the USDA (AFO- animals confined more than 45 days in a 12 month period, CAFO as an AFO with more than 1000 animal units).
- Ruminants must not be fed or finished on GMO corn or soy.
- We prioritize working with ranchers who raise 100% grass-fed and finished animals, or who feed their animals what would otherwise be waste products, such as brewery grains.
Specific guidelines for pork
- Pigs must not be raised or finished on a CAFO as defined by the USDA (as a non-pastured-centered AFO with more than 1000 animal units).
- Pigs must not be fed or finished on GMO corn or soy.
Specific guidelines for poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, and other game birds)
- In addition to the documents listed above, poultry producers must provide GAP Step-3, -4, of -5 certification or letter of guarantee that it adheres to at least Step-3 standards.
- Birds must be fed a 100% vegetarian diet.
- Unless smallholder producer exemption applies, broiler hens should be slaughtered using controlled atmosphere stunning systems.
In order to be considered for inclusion in our Marketplace, eggs and egg products must meet the following criteria.
All chicken & duck egg producers must provide the following documents to us:
- Proof of USDA or CDFA Registration
- Proof of California SEFS compliance
- Proof of Certified Humane Raised & Handled, for non-Pastured.
Egg producers must be fully transparent, which includes allowing us to come for site visits.
Chicken and duck eggs must be pasture raised (raised 100% on rotating pasture in mobile housing), or cage-free, according to USDA regulations. All cage-free eggs in the Marketplace are Certified Humane Raised and Handled.
Any other egg species must be pasture-raised.