Your credit or debit card will be authorized for the amount of the order at checkout. If there are any changes to your order after placing it, you will see those adjustments after the order cutoff for your selected delivery time (cutoff visible on Your Order Details). You'll also automatically receive a receipt by email when the payment is processed.
You can change your payment method on Your Account page before your order cutoff. If you place an order and then change the payment method before the cutoff (when your full payment is processed) the most recently input credit or debit card will be the card that is charged.
If you place multiple orders that have the same cutoff time, only the credit or debit card stored on your account will be charged at your cutoff time. It is not possible to have multiple pending orders charged to different cards.
If your payment is declined for any reason, we will send an email to alert you to the payment decline. Learn more about how we handle billing declines here.